
(written 2009/recorded 2009)

("Eigentum verpflichtet. Sein Gebrauch soll zugleich dem Wohle der Allgemeinheit dienen." -
"Property means commitment. Its use also must serve the welfare of all." -
Art. 14 par. 2 Grundgesetz - German Constitution)

(inspired by a newspaper article about the banking crisis,
Silvio Gesell and his theory about the monetary system,
and alternative regional currencies)

property means commitment
it must serve the welfare of all

there's a number of coins and a number of notes in my purse
you'll find a lot more in the bank, if still there, taken granted
the bank itself to everyone who has securities will
lend my chips as a tree that bears fruits wherever it's planted

the borrower will soon be smothered by the interest to pay
he is gonna run dry under pressure, for all you may say

unless he expands and so inflates
unless he invents more useless crap
unless he sells them to a dumbass (like you)
unless there's sales to pay the surcharge

one man's debt is another man's fruit
one man's trapped and another man's lewd

now this is what the system calls for
to never stop accelerating
if debtors folded, banks would follow
without the growth, we all were nothing

come on, now get going and get moving
come on, now get going and get moving

economy must grow, unavoidably nature must shrink
we dismantle our ship 'til the ship will come apart and sink

instead: oblige all those who own money to pay for its renewal
instead: oblige all those who own money to spend their chips sometime soon
instead: piling money is not a virtue, it is a bad habit
instead: your property's not a means to exploit others but a boon

property means commitment
it must serve the welfare of all

whosoever has his money work for him rather than from the labour of his own hands exploits unscrupulously